

1. Trending: Preprocessors| Dying: Full language stacks

Preprocessor languages like Groovy and CoffeeScript are becoming more and more popular. They translate a newly written code into something that has been done already. They simplify languages like Java, JavaScript and others.

2. Trending: JavaScript MV* frameworks | Dying: JavaScript files

What earlier used to be a tedious process of learning JavaScript from the scratch has become more or less non-existent now. Frameworks and apps have allowed budding programmers to skip a lot of the initial stuff.

3. Trending: CSS frameworks | Dying: Generic Cascading Style Sheets

Coding on CSS is not the simplest thing in the world. Not that it was such earlier, but there are things you could/had to do. Making a small change required you to open the CSS file and put in a new form of the code. The frameworks used today have made that part different. While some find it easier, there are few who find it difficult.

4. Trending: SVG + JavaScript on Canvas | Dying: Flash

The JavaScript layer now has many of the capabilities of Flash. As a result, the once loved software has all but gone out of style and been replaced by the newer JavaScript functions.

5. Trending: Almost big data (analysis without Hadoop) | Dying: Big data (with Hadoop)

This one is actually quite dispute, but there are many who believe that analysing Big Data with Hadoop is fast becoming passe. While Hadoop is still the platform of choice for big firms with Yottabytes of data though.

6. Trending: Game frameworks | Dying: Native game development
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Game development used to be a complex process with a huge team of developers, but again, with the advent of gaming frameworks, this has also become more or less obsolete.

7. Trending: Single-page Web apps | Dying: Websites

The concept of web applications has been picking up for quite a while now. Instead of a bunch of text on a website, the web apps act like the front end for databases and can bring you information from them as and when required.

8. Trending: Mobile Web apps | Dying: Native mobile apps

Instead of building an app that runs natively on mobiles, people have started building web applications that run on the phones.

9. Trending: Hot: Android | Dying: iOS

Android has over 81 per cent of the world market share in the smartphone universe. More and more developers are taking to building apps for this arena, with the number of iOS developers going down. The difference may eventually become much more stark too.

10. Trending: GPU | Dying: CPU

Software today is not assimple as it used to be. You can't just run a high end game because you have comparitively high RAM count on your device. No, you need GPUs, which are capable of running these games.

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