

Author and background information:

The content of Hacking moves between programming, networking, and cryptography. While well explained, it is a technical piece; some C programming experience is essential, although a basic understanding of networking and cryptography helps as well.
While Hacking is packed with technically accurate, detailed information, it is still a basic introduction to the subject of computer security. Hacking also does not use any notable measure of real-world examples; discussions rarely bring up specific worms and exploits that had previously existed, such as the PNG library overflows or the Blaster worm and related RPC service overflow. Thus, an inexperienced reader may not immediately make the connection between the theory and the reality of attack.

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The networking segment of Hacking has control of less than half of the remaining text. It explains the basics of the OSI model and basic networking concepts; packet sniffing; connection hijacking; denial of service; and port scanning.
Although technically accurate, the networking section of Hacking only serves as a basic introduction to network security. Countermeasures such as complex firewalls; Stateful Packet Inspection; network address translation, the threat of firewalking, and countermeasures thereof; intrusion detection and prevention; and virtual private networks are not discussed.


The cryptology section of Hacking consumes the rest of the book's pages. This is another bottom-up section, starting off with basic information theory and moving through symmetric and asymmetric encryption. It winds out in cracking WEP utilizing the Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir Attack.
This section appears to be miscellaneous information for the aspiring cryptology scholar. Besides the basics, including man-in-the-middle attacks, dictionary attacks, and the use of John the Ripper; Hacking discusses quantum key distribution, Lov Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm, and Peter Shor's Quantum Factoring Algorithm for breaking RSA encryption using a very large quantum computer.


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